About us

Established in the late 1980s as David Lawrence Real Estate, we are among Christchurch's oldest property management firms. Some of our current landlords have trusted us with their assets for over two decades! In 2015, we restructured and rebranded as Property Partner to better represent our ethos and the services we offer.

“Property Manager" is an old-school term that doesn't really capture what we do anymore. We're not just managing properties; we're partnering with you to make sure you get the most out of your investment and that tenants get the most out of their home. So think of us as your Property Partner, because when we work together, everybody wins.

Property partner director

The Property Partner Promise

Good Property Management starts with selecting the right (best) tenants from day one: Tenant selection is the primary component of a good tenancy. We promise to find the best tenants for your property and are so confident in our selection process that we will guarantee you rent will be paid for the duration of a fixed term tenancy agreement